Petikan e-mail Yasmin Ahmad kepada filemkita
not only did i NOT agree to attend this, i also told our producer NOT to lend them the film.
i've been to enough of these things to know that they're just cinematic bullfighting,
disguised as intellectual discussions.
people call each other names, attack one another for everyone to see, everyone tries to be
"holier" than the next person. well, they can sell their "holiness" without me, cos i've got
better things to do, like water the plants on my balcony.
i've not been to ONE such session where i went away thinking, "yeah, we learnt something
new and useful about filmmaking today." mostly, people walk away saying, "ee, best nyer,
dia tu kena hentam dengan si dia tu, lepas tu si dia tu pulak kena hentam dengan lecturer
it's nothing more than a circus, and the clowns are not even funny.
not only did i NOT agree to attend this, i also told our producer NOT to lend them the film.
i've been to enough of these things to know that they're just cinematic bullfighting,
disguised as intellectual discussions.
people call each other names, attack one another for everyone to see, everyone tries to be
"holier" than the next person. well, they can sell their "holiness" without me, cos i've got
better things to do, like water the plants on my balcony.
i've not been to ONE such session where i went away thinking, "yeah, we learnt something
new and useful about filmmaking today." mostly, people walk away saying, "ee, best nyer,
dia tu kena hentam dengan si dia tu, lepas tu si dia tu pulak kena hentam dengan lecturer
it's nothing more than a circus, and the clowns are not even funny.
p/s: saya amat meminati semua karya kak min dari permulaan sepet dan rabun.. dari panggung wayang sampai ke DVD saya koleksikannya.. Apa kata cadangan saya, Yasmin Ahmad hasilkan kesemua filem yang dihasilkan dalam bentuk DVD BOX 'Yasmin Ahmad Collections'.. confirm laris... coz kak yasmin ramai pengikutnya..
4 Ulasan
my dear, i did not "tarik balik" the film. they did not even ask me about it before making the announcement.
i tak kisah kalau muallaf diperdebatkan dari segi metafora dan intelektual pemikiran khalayak. Jikalau diorang nak buat diskusi sekadar mencari kontroversi, tak payahlah kan.... tu la ajami cakap arie tue dia dah tgk muallaf kat leo burnett.. tak ajak pun.. jgn lupa ek, preview untuk media nanti. rasa2nye bile kuar pawagam kak min?.
take care...
keputusan yg yasmin buat tidak membenarkan tayangan itu adalah tindakkan yg bijak! hehehe
emo lak aku!