Coming Soon 26 November 2009... 'The Twilight Saga New Moon', so hot!!

She's 18, he's 109. And there are topless scenes galore. It sounds like the most politically incorrect movie of all time.

But this is New Moon - the second movie in the Twilight vampire saga - and all those bare chests belong to buff young men with waxed pecs and six-packs. "You get a lot of nipple shots in this movie," laughs Robert Pattinson, the actor who plays the 109-year-old vampire Edward Cullen. Since the first film came out a year ago, Pattinson has become a heart-throb to teenage girls across the world, and is also a favourite target of the paparazzi.

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'the twilight saga new moon'
coming soon in Malaysia Cinema
26 November 2009

p/s: 1st Twilight.. akan menemui penonton di Saluran 413, Astro Star Movies, 22 November 2009, Ahad ( 10.00 pm). Yang sudah menonton, nantikan juga 'The Twilight Saga New Moon' ini, lagi panas dan seksi!!!

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